We are an innovative foods company aiming at providing consumers with healthy and natural branded products and services of superior quality and value,inspired by the leading nutrition and latest food trends worldwide.
We promise to offer our consumers products of exceptional quality that will excite their taste & transform their cooking experience into a phenomeno

Being international oriented, we realize that dealing with a foreign partner with different culture & values can sometimes prove challenging.
We can save you valuable time and efforts and be YOUR local team in Greece.
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Appreciating our professionalism, our partners worldwide acknowledge as a “one-stop-shop” for building their brands in Greece.

We aim to enhance the quality of the nutrition of our consumers and to contributie to a healthier future. Our reason for doing business is that we want to help shape a better and healthier world. We also want to inspire people to live healthier lives.
This is how we contribute to society while ensuring the long-term success of our company.

Our attention to detail is a cornerstone of our corporate mentality and the success of our business depends on it.
Miraculous is committed to maintaining your trust by operating as a company and as individuals based on the principle of doing the right thing, perfectly.
This guiding philosophy is the reason consumers trust us and partners do business with us. We believe our continued success depends on everyone doing their part in the decisions we make each day.

We are strategically focused in consumer and market understanding in the markets we operate. All our products feature strong differentiations and are designed according to the latest consumer trends which identify the healthy & natural trend as the main consumer trend worldwide. We have a complementary product portfolio that enables us to provide healthy and natural choices to our consumers, covering all their needs, such as weight management, sports nutrition, organic and free – from nutrition, Mediterranean diet, diabetic nutrition, baby and children healthy nutrition.
Our attention to detail is a cornerstone

Our attention to detail is a cornerstone of our corporate mentality and the success
of our business depends on it. Miraculous is committed to maintaining your trust by operating as a company and as individuals based on the principle of doing the right thing, perfectly.
This guiding philosophy is the reason consumers trust us and partners do business with us. We believe our continued success depends on everyone doing their part in the decisions we make each day.

Miraculous aims to attract, develop and retain highly talented employees, who will fuel the long-term success of our company.
Maintaining and developing an exceptional talent base allows us to grow our business and leverage our talent to deliver superior long – term performance.
We continuously reevaluate and reimagine every aspect of our business — pushing ourselves to out – innovate and out – perform our competitors every day.

We are present in all the distribution channels in our markets. You can find our products in pharmacies, cosmetic stores, athletic stores, supermarkets, grocery shops, health stores, kiosks, as well as online. We invest heavily in the digital presence of our brands, connecting with our consumers through personalized experiences in the digital environment. We are fully committed to digital marketing and e commerce platforms as avenues for educating and training our consumers, promoting the beneficial healthy aspects of our innovative products. We are proud that we take advantage of business opportunities in all distribution channels.

The key to our long term success continues to be understanding and serving our partners. People today know the importance of good nutrition and of managing their health more proactively. We work closely with leading edge partners around the world, including our suppliers, start ups, academic institutions and public organizations.They help strengthen our own capabilities by generating ideas, accessing skills and developing new technologies, so we can remain at the forefront of consumer trends.

Our purpose drives us every day towards a growth strategy for improving our consumers’ lives in meaningful healthy ways each day. It inspires our people to make a positive contribution every day. We work hard to make and sell quality product sand services, that improve people’s nutrition and lives, meeting always our superior quality standards.We are an innovative foods company aiming at providing consumers with healthy and natural branded products and services of superior quality and value, inspired by the leading nutrition and latest food trends worldwide.We promise to offer our consumers products of exceptional quality that will excite their taste& transform their cooking experience into a phenomenon.